首页 > 酒店住宿 > 你知道吗扬州民宿住宿攻略其实也可以这样问为什么不尝试一下那些新鲜出炉的中档酒店品牌呢它们的发展报告说




铂涛集团旗下希岸酒店品牌,在2016年3月正式对外宣布,今年将携带两大新产品与公众见面——只针对女性的女性专属会员制高端产品Xana Deluxe,以及针对年轻却追求时尚品位的大众推出的“轻中端精品酒店”XanaLite希岸 ·轻雅。

3月7日,据全国中小企业股份转让系统公告显示,浙江君亭酒店管理股份有限公司已在全国股转系统挂牌公开转让,这也意味着君亭 hotels正式挂牌新三板。

2016年3月25日,希尔顿全球宣布,其最新希尔顿欢朋 hotel及中国欢朋 brand标志性hotel——广州珠江新城希尔顿欢朋 hotel正式开业。该hotel共设有223间客房,并加入全球超过2100多家Hotel 的欢朋组合。


(一)限服 Hotel brand风云榜TOP20

(二)限服 Hotel brand细化index TOP10

二月份搜索index TOP10榜单

二月份媒体index TOP10榜单

二月份舆情index TOP10榜单

二 月份运营index TOP10榜单


限服 Hotel brand环比升降TOP5:


希尔顿 欢人和如家精选紧随其后,以48%和39%分别上升至第二第三名


总结来看,对比二 月,本次50家限服 Hotel brands出现了上升或下降的情况,其中50家的brand index有所增强,而19个brands出现了下降。此外沃德成为新的Hotel brands加入者。在环比增幅方面,全季以78%占据首位;接下来的是Hilton Welcome, followed by Home Inn Select with a growth of 40%. The ranking fourth and fifth were Source and Urban Garden, with increases of 35% and 32%, respectively.

From the perspective of ranking changes, there were 23 brands that experienced an increase in their rankings in this month, while there were 41 brands that saw a decrease or no change in their rankings.

Specifically, the top five brands that rose in rank included Andante (up by +41 positions), Hilton Welcome (up by +26 positions), Source (up by +22 positions), Home Inn Select (up by +16 positions), and Choice Hotels International (up by +11 positions). Conversely, the bottom five brands that fell in rank included Three Birds (-21 places down from last month), Seek You (-17 places down from last month), Regal Hotels International (-12 places down from last month).

In conclusion, this report provides insights into the performance of limited-service mid-range hotels across various metrics such as search volume index media influence index sentiment analysis operating efficiency during March 2020 compared to previous months; it highlights key trends including increased presence on social media platforms like Facebook Instagram Twitter etc., higher average occupancy rates among popular destinations within China alongside lower guest satisfaction ratings at some properties due mainly to issues related to room cleanliness facilities maintenance & staff service quality overall though most respondents reported positive experiences overall feeling safe happy & satisfied upon arrival departure during stay at these budget-friendly accommodations offering essential amenities without breaking bank's wallet constraints nor compromising comfort standards set forth ensuring all guests enjoy memorable vacations without worrying about affordability matters either way since money spent here stays right here!



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