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本篇文章给大家谈谈北京中央电视塔,以及北京中央电视塔介绍对应的旅游资讯,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。1.去中央电视塔的方式2.中央电视塔多高3.中央电视塔在哪个城市去Central Television Tower's way

How to get to Central Television Tower? By car: Beijing - Justice Road - East Chang'an Avenue - Nanheyan Street - East Chang'an Avenue - West Chang'an Avenue - Fuxingmennei Street - Fuxingmenwai Street - Fuxing Road - West Third Ring Middle Road North Auxiliary Road-West Third Ring Middle Road-Central Television Tower. By bus: Take routes 40, 64, 74, 77, 213, 368, 374, 394, 437, 624,631 ,658 ,944 ,968 ,Special Bus No.8,Bus No.102,No.103,No.201 to Huanke Bridge South Station and then walkable.

The Central Television Tower is located in the Haidian District of Beijing City at No.11 on the west side of the West Third Ring Middle Road inside the Central Radio & TV Tower.

The tower bears the responsibility of broadcasting television signals for all of Beijing and its surrounding areas every day through Central People's Broadcasting Station (CPBS), China National Radio (CNR), CCTV(Central Chinese Television) as well as Beijing People's Broadcasting Station(BPBS) and Beijing TV station etc., a total of twenty-nine FM radio stations,digital terrestrial television channels and digital audio broadcasts.CMMB mobile multimedia broadcasts are also available.The tower can transmit eight TV channels and ten radio stations.

How tall is the Central Television Tower?

The height of the central broadcasting tower is at an elevation of approximately386 meters above sea level when not including lightning rods.Added with lightning rods,the total height reaches around405 meters.The central broadcasting tower stands inthe western partofWestThirdRingMiddleRoadinHaidianDistrict,nearbyHuangteng BridgeandwestsideofYuyuantan ParkandBeijing Workers' Stadium.It was established in January1987and completed in September1994before opening officially on October1st.In east lies Yuyuantan ParkandFishing Grounds;tothesouthliesTombsofMingEmperors;tothenorthliesFuchengStreet.Occupying an areaof15 hectareswithatotalweightof50 thousand tons,itisa modern high-tech landmark building capable offunctions suchasbroadcasingeightTVstationsandsixteenterrastations.Isitamemberoftowersocietyworldwide.AroundtheCentralTelevisionTowertherearemanyinterestingplacesworthvisiting,suchasYuyuantanPark,FishingGroundsandTombsofMingEmperors.Be sure to check out more information about this place by visiting our website!



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