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总之,无论是在春秋季节还是其他时间段,只要你来到这片绿意盎然的大自然,你将获得一次深刻而愉快的旅行体验。 Zhengzhou Yellow River National Wetland Park is located in the north of Huai District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. It is situated on the south bank of the Yellow River, between the Yellow River Floating Bridge and the Yellow River Highway Bridge. The park covers an area of 2,390 hectares and is a typical riverine wetland ecosystem.

The park has six functional areas: Science Education Zone, Leisure Entertainment Zone, Marsh Exploration Zone, Ecological Conservation Zone, etc., with scientific education as its main objective. It provides visitors with a fascinating journey combining nature and science.

As one of the 20 national wetland parks pilot projects approved by the country, Zhengzhou Yellow River National Wetland Park attracts large numbers of migratory birds every year. The park offers a colorful experience for visitors to appreciate various wild animals and enjoy different cultural flavors.

During special occasions like Qingming Festival or National Day holidays when public places are open to tourists again after lockdowns due to COVID-19 outbreaks in China during this period (2022), it was declared that all districts in Zhengzhou were low-risk areas without any reported cases; hence they remained open for visits while still following health protection measures such as wearing masks properly presenting their Health QR code or Trip QR code upon entry according to local guidelines at that time.

In October 1st day onwards since then there's no holiday for October first so from that date on everything resumes normal operation status under current pandemic situation conditions too which means we can visit this place now freely taking advantage out our new freedom just remember always wear your mask protect yourself others around us let's make sure everyone stays safe healthy.

This beautiful green space near you will give you an opportunity not only see many interesting things but also feel peace quietness relax away stress get some fresh air improve mood boost energy gain inspiration creativity grow knowledge love life grow more confident become stronger mentally emotionally physically spiritually well-rounded balanced person happy full joy!



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