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千山暮雪 童雪 - 童年往事中的千山暮雪


记得小时候,冬日的阳光总是那么温暖,空气中弥漫着淡淡的木质香味。每当这时候,我总会被外面的世界吸引,不禁想起那句“千山暮雪 童雪”的诗句。这不仅仅是一句话,它承载了我童年的回忆,也是我心中永恒的美好。

在那个年代,我们的小镇上 winters usually start in late December, and the snow would fall gently on our roofs, creating a soft rustling sound. It was like nature's lullaby, helping us drift off to sleep with sweet dreams. The sight of snow-covered mountains in the distance would make my heart flutter with excitement.

One winter morning, I woke up early to find that it had snowed overnight. The entire town was blanketed in white, and the sky was painted with hues of blue and grey. My friends and I decided to go sledding down the nearby hillside. We built our own sleds using cardboard boxes and wooden boards, tied them together with rope made from old clothes lines.

As we climbed up the hillside, our breath misting in front of us due to the cold air. When we reached the top, we took a moment to appreciate how beautiful everything looked - frosty grass underfoot; bare trees reaching towards heaven; distant peaks cloaked in misty veils - all bathed under an ethereal light.

The descent began slowly but gained momentum as gravity took over. Our laughter echoed through the stillness as we slid down icy slopes at breakneck speeds on homemade sleds made out of discarded materials found around town streets! It felt like time stood still for those few moments when nothing else mattered except being one among many kids enjoying this simple yet exhilarating experience shared amongst friends since childhood days!

Those were some truly unforgettable times spent playing outside during snowy days while watching "chunshan mudxue" (a Chinese term used to describe mountain ranges covered by thick layers of ice) slowly melting away as day turns into night., leaving behind memories etched forever within each passing season’s fleeting moments.

This feeling has never left me even now when thinking back about my youth spent exploring these same landscapes where every little thing seemed so magical – especially during wintertime! As adults grow older though life often gets busy taking care of responsibilities making less time available for such leisurely activities but there is no denying that 'Chunshan Mudxue' remains deeply rooted within me—reminding me always cherish these precious moments before they disappear without trace just like autumn leaves blowing away by gusts strong winds or spring flowers blooming only briefly before fading into memory forever lost amongst countless other experiences lived through years gone by...

And so let this be a reminder: take your time whenever possible enjoy what you have right now because tomorrow may bring different challenges new circumstances which could change your perspective altogether—just remember how much joy lies hidden beneath surface level appearances waiting patiently until given permission explore further discover its true essence...




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