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museum's exterior design is a single, unique structure that stands out from the surrounding landscape. With a total construction area of 11,800 square meters and over 2,000 pieces of cultural relics on display, this magnificent building offers visitors an immersive experience that combines history with entertainment.

The museum is divided into two floors. The first floor features a series of halls that lead visitors through the development of ancient football games in China and around the world. From the sequence hall to the origins hall, each room showcases artifacts and interactive exhibits that bring history to life.

On the second floor, visitors can explore international football leagues and championships through various themed exhibitions. These include English street scenes inspired by London's iconic streetscape; dedicated areas for FIFA (International Federation of Association Football) displays; special sections highlighting World Cup events throughout history; as well as an exhibit showcasing Chinese football culture.

At the heart of this comprehensive museum experience lies a large-scale interactive zone called "Football Carnival." Here, visitors can engage in hands-on activities such as virtual reality experiences or participate in simulated matches with friends and family members. Whether you are an avid fan or just curious about soccer culture from around the world,

As we delve into these fascinating stories told through data-driven narratives at Liminzi Football Museum,

we are reminded once again why it has become one among many cherished sites within China’s rich tapestry of world heritage destinations – not only celebrating its own unique past but also connecting us all across time zones worldwide under one shared love: sportsmanship & camaraderie embodied by beautiful game played on fields both old & new alike!



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