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一. Finland Tourism Visa Application Requirements


The passport must be valid for at least 6 months beyond your planned departure date from Finland.

Ensure there are at least two blank pages in the passport, excluding any notes or endorsement pages.

If you have had a passport replaced, please provide the original old passport.

The passport should be complete, without any damage, stains or tears.


Take two color photos within the last 6 months with a white background and no accessories or glasses.

Photo size: 35mm x 45mm (with name written on the back using a pencil).

Present clear and sharp facial features with open eyes but not smiling.

ID Card & Household Registration Book & Marriage Certificate Copy

Make an A4-sized photocopy of both sides of your ID card.

Photocopy of your household registration book (including family members).

Copy of marriage certificate if applicable.

Proof of Personal Assets

Recent bank statements showing personal transactions over the past six months with official bank seals;

Supporting documents: copies of property deeds and vehicle registration certificates under your name or that of your spouse.

Work Confirmation Documents

Employment verification letter from employer;

Duplicate copy of company business license with official seal;

Retirees can use retirement certificate as substitute to above documents;

Students provide original school enrollment confirmation letter;

Travel Itinerary & Flight/Hotel Booking/Travel Insurance Details

i) English itinerary plan;

ii) Flight order + Hotel booking details;

iii) Travel insurance policy stating medical coverage exceeding €30,000

二.Finland Family Visit Visa Additional Requirements:

Provide authenticated documents confirming relationship between applicant and host in Finland.

Original invitation letter from host detailing living arrangements for visitor in Finland.

3.Copy(s)of host's Finnish passport front page(s), visa page(s), or green card.

三.Finland Business Visa Additional Requirements:

1.Air-tight invitation letter issued by hosting company printed on their headed paper, signed and sealed;



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