首页 > 旅游资讯 > 云南浪漫双行记6天5晚VIP卡圣诞表白说说-让对方心动的温馨节日语录


1.我渴望与你共度一生,而非短暂的相聚。2.无论我身在何处,我离你只需一个转身。我愿让我的心与你,在这个平安夜里共同跳动。3.每一片雪花落下,每一枚烟火升起,每一秒钟流逝,每一份思念传达,都代表着我送给你的每一个祝福!4.就像冬日的雪花,温柔而短暂;阳光如同夏日,明媚而有限;记忆犹如童年,深邃而易逝。在这世界上,只有我们之间的爱情永不褪色。在圣诞节到来之际,我献上真挚的心意。5.亲爱的,你已被我安排了一场浪漫的飞雪之夜,你已被我装满了圣诞礼物,你已是我们美好回忆的一部分。据说末日不会降临,看来你将陪伴我终老。你、宝贝,圣诞快乐吧6.只有当你站在我的身边时,我才能感受到圣诞节带来的幸福和快乐。7.愿我的手能紧握你的手,让我们一起走进那座教堂,在那里过我们的第一个圣诞节8."你的完美就是缺点。”“什么是缺点?”“是我!”9.请允许我参与所有关于你的浪漫10.也许是我吃了太多盐,所以总是在闲暇时刻想起你11.you are the sugar to my coffee, you are the milk to my tea, you are the salt to my life12对于你来说,是心尖上的喜欢,就算别人靠近,也会让我哭泣13对于我来说,无论何时何地,你都已经是我生命中最重要的人13-14 我无法攀登九天抓取月亮,也无法绕五洋捉鳖,但只要能够拥有你,即使只是暖意,也足够15.you are like a white lotus on a snowy mountain peak, delicate and rare; or a single cherry blossom amidst winter's chill16.you and the stars have made this world more gentle and beautiful for me17."how many fingers do you have on your left hand?" "..." "how many eyes do you have?" "..."" how many mouths do you have?" "..."" I love you too"18 等待着见证你的归来,一起度过这个特殊的夜晚,一起品尝那香气扑鼻的火锅19.thoughts of you fill me with warmth, waiting for you is an exciting challenge, thinking ofyou becomes a lifelong habit,sighing overyou is an experience of loneliness,havingyou in my life is something i eagerly anticipate,vowingto be by your side forever – that's what i want20.if only i could be as innocent as a child standing before you with empty hands,wishing for your pity;if onlyi could be as lowly asa beggar walking past your doorstep,longingforthe chance to receiveyourlove21.little bit cute! A little bit lazy! A little bit naughty! A little bit common but also strange! Clever but cheeky when talking about love! If it’s not now then when? Seek love during Christmas22.the snowflakes dance gently in the night sky on Christmas Eve,your heart remains unchanged,butareyoualsothinkingofmeas muchasIam?23.my thoughts transform into pure white cotton candy snowflakes,flying into your heart,to feel my blessings and greetings24.Merry Christmas because holding hands with someone like yo u makes me want to hold onto them forever.Give yourself happiness,give yourself joy,t ogetherforeverloveyou25.hopefullywhenyouarriv e,y ou'll rubmyheadand hugme,andwhisperinmy ear: “sorry,i've kept y ouwaitingtoo long.”26.he will pass through April's peach blossoms,capture rare birds from heaven,enjoythe changing seasonsand finally bringa clean scentto stop atyourside27.he must be quite handsome if he isn't difficultto look at28.you're not just any ordinary person,y ouare allseasonsandallmoods inmylife



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