首页 > 自驾游 > 街角遥控的邀约



他是街头小贩中的一个, sells all sorts of things, from flowers to souvenirs. But today, he is not interested in selling anything. Instead, he is using his remote control to call out to a young woman who is walking down the street.

The woman, named Xiao Mei, has been living in this city for several years now. She knows every nook and cranny of the place, but she has never seen this man before. Yet, when she hears him calling out her name on his remote control device , she feels a strange sense of familiarity.

She stops in her tracks and looks around her. There are people everywhere , but none of them seem to be paying any attention to her or the man with the remote control. It's as if they are invisible.

Xiao Mei hesitates for a moment before turning back towards the man with the remote control device . She can see that he is waiting for her patiently by his stall , which is filled with all sorts of interesting items .

As she approaches him cautiously , he smiles warmly at her and beckons her over with one hand while holding onto his remote controller tightly with another hand . His eyes sparkle brightly as he sees Xiao Mei approaching him slowly .

"Hello there," he says softly into the microphone attached to his earpiece that connects directly into an earphone plugged into an iPhone 6s Plus phone hidden discreetly inside his pocket . "I've been looking for you."

Xiao Mei raises an eyebrow curiously at what just happened between them both - how did someone know my name so easily? And then suddenly it hits me... My heart skips a beat because I am quite certain that we have met somewhere else before!




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