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今年夏天没去过青海的旅行,那绝对是不完整的,因为那里的美景简直太太太多了!自6月以来,几乎整个朋友圈都在被刷屏~ 颜值不输茶卡盐湖,却鲜少人知的“茫崖翡翠湖”; 不出国就能打卡的 “马尔代夫”,度假感满分; 一半蓝、一半绿的双色湖, 惊艳你的眼球; 今年最火の 「恶魔之眼」,一度登上了微博热搜引发热议,晋级新地标; 更有不用去就能感受到生灵之歌...... 正值最美季节的青海湖 才不只能是拍照打卡而已 尽管青海湖已经被提过很多次,跟无数湖泊相比较,但丝毫不损这里的美名和人气。每年夏天这里依旧是让人们趋之若鸿的大好时光。


Lakefront, vast grasslands stretching as far as the eye can see, dotted with cattle and horses. Put on a beautiful dress, take pictures in the flower sea, and every shot is perfect.

East Taiji Lake / A lake that is half blue and half green, divided by a national road. The left side of the lake is blue water, while the right side is green water. It's like looking at two different lakes. Walking across the lake is breathtaking!

Aiken Springs / Located in Mogao Township, Huatousuogou Town, Moheilubu Village of Zanhai City. The diameter of the springs reaches over ten meters and appears to be boiling water gushing up from below ground level.

The "Devil's Eye" hot spring was once trending on Weibo and became a new landmark for Zanhai.

Mengguang Jade Lake / Big jade in Daqaidam refers to "jewels scattered across the land", while Mengguang Jade Lake refers to an enormous block embedded in the Gobi Desert.

Xiaodian Waterfall / In addition to popular scenic spots like East Taiji Lake and Aiken Springs, there are more hidden gems waiting for you: Mengguang Jade Lake with its unparalleled beauty; Xiaodian Waterfall that will leave you breathless; Zhongdian Waterfall that shines like a mirror reflecting both Yadan Landform and Kunlun Snow Mountain;

Tengeri (Altai) Forest Park

Hoh Xil National Nature Reserve



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