首页 > 自驾游 > 西双版纳独自漫步心情随风的跟团游日记




7.some people think solo travel is boring, but I prefer it that way.




11.my journey to the farthest reaches of my own body and heart, from one soul to another.

12.if you're reading this, I'll try out your scenery.

13.the loneliness on this road has washed away the grime on my heart; this journey alone has infused life with vitality; instead of solitude and loneliness, there's now a sense of origin and essence in life.

14.traveling alone is a pilgrimage; going further only for the sake of finding the most genuine inner self.

15.in time, we come to understand that sometimes the best ending with someone is complete silence.

16.passersby cross streets and rivers; beautiful scenes are fleeting moments.

17.I've let go of love, my heart, happiness – even myself – but memories linger on unshakenly within me

18.give everyone a performance like an ascendant fairy godmother

19.a traveler goes solo because they don't need to consider too many things when traveling alone compared to traveling with others who might have different expectations or limitations

20.outsiders view travel – especially solo travel – as artistic or romantic at times but often miss how mundane it can be in reality

21.solo travelers hear their own voices more clearly than anyone else's voice amidst the noise; these voices grow stronger amidst adversity

22.the world seems wider when traveled by oneself

23.choose companions whose steps align with yours while traveling together if possible; otherwise go solo

24.i'm not against traveling alone just because i want some company ; i simply believe that only when one travels do they truly see roads ,and only then do they see landscapes .



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