1、紫金山紫金山又名钟山,位于南京市中山门外,其山势险峻、蜿蜒如龙。钟山周围名胜古迹甚多:其山南有紫霞洞,一人泉; 山前正中有中山陵; 西有梅花山,明孝陵,廖仲恺和何香凝墓; 东有灵谷公园,邓演达墓; 山北有明代徐达、常遇春、李文忠等陵墓。
2、栖霞山栖霞山位于南京城东北22公里,南朝时山中建有“栖霞精舍”,因此得名。栖霞山有三峰,主峰三茅峰海拔286米,又名凤翔峰;东北一Mountain, 形若卧龙, 名为Dragon Mountain;西北一Mountain, 状如伏虎, 名称Huge Mountain. 栖霞Mountain 没Have 钟Mountain 高峻,但清幽怡静, 风景迷人, 名胜古迹遍布诸Peak,被誉为“Gold Hill First Beautiful Mountain”。
3、清凉Mountain 清凉Mountain 山高100多米,方圆约4公里,现在已经建成了Clear Cool Public Park。Park 内树木葱郁地生长在地势陡峭的地方。主要古迹包括Clear Cool Temple,Southern Tang Ancient Well,chong Zheng Library,Broom Leaves Tower,Riding Horse Slope,Jade Blossom Garden等。清凉Mountain 的其他特色还包括18 holes of caves and grottos with 24 scenic spots and over 40 rock carvings with poems and couplets.
4、高牛首Mountains 高牛首Mountains 位于南京城以South 13 kilometers away from the city center. It's called "High Cow Head" because of its shape. High Cow Head Mountains is a famous Buddhist mountain in China with a rich cultural heritage. The area around the mountains has natural wonders such as Sensing Spring,Tiger Running Spring,Pure Turtle Pool,Holy Rock Cave,Fairy Cave,Cave of Abstention,Hall of Hidden Void,Spring from Underground Water Pool for Horses etc., as well as important human attractions like Mokugyo Temple,Mogaku Temple Tower,Zheng He Mausoleum and Anti-Golden Wall Ruins.
The ticket prices are full price:98 yuan per person and half price:49 yuan per person.
5、高幕府Mountains 高幕府Mountains offers a variety of scenery along the line from Yanchizi Cliff to Wanyuan Gate on both sides of the river about 12 kilometers long.The highest peak reaches an altitude above 200 meters except for Yanchizi Cliff which was formed by sedimentation of gravel deposited in the Yangtze River.The rest part is composed entirely of limestone that has been eroded by Longjiang over millions years due to geological changes caused by erosion and faulting.Mukufu Mountains features closely connected mountainside along Jiangshan,a rich landscape made up mainly limestone rocks,biodiversity in flora & fauna,varied shapes,mountainous terrain & ancient history.Apart from not entering paid attractions like Longyan Scenic Area,Damo Grotto,Yanchizi Park etc.,visiting Mukufu Mountains alone does not cost anything.
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