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户外活动英语Lets Get Out There My Favorite Outdoor Adven

Let's Get Out There: My Favorite Outdoor Adventures in English

As an outdoor enthusiast, I love exploring new places and trying out different activities. But when you're a non-native English speaker, it can be tough to find people to share these experiences with or to learn the necessary vocabulary and phrases. That's why I've put together this list of my favorite outdoor adventures in English – so that you can join me on these exciting journeys and improve your language skills at the same time!


One of my favorite things to do is go hiking. Whether it's a short walk through the woods or a multi-day backpacking trip, there's nothing quite like immersing yourself in nature. And with so many beautiful trails around the world, there's always something new to discover.


Camping is another great way to spend time outdoors while improving your English skills. You can practice using camping-related vocabulary like "tent," "campfire," and "s'mores." Plus, you'll have plenty of opportunities for conversation with other campers.

Rock climbing

If you're looking for something more challenging than hiking or camping, rock climbing might be the sport for you! Not only will you get some exercise as you climb up steep rocks and cliffs, but you'll also develop problem-solving skills as you figure out how best to tackle each route.


Kayaking is another fun activity that lets you explore waterways while getting some exercise too! It's easy enough that even beginners can pick up quickly (just remember not use both paddles at once). As well as learning kayaking terms such as "paddle" and "stroke", we could chat about our favourite spots along rivers or lakes during breaks.


Last but not least let’s talk about swimming! Whether it’s lounging by poolside reading a book (you might even find some interesting words related swimming), jumping into lake from boat raft then diving down deep beneath surface where fish swim circles around us - all sorts of adventures await here too!

So next time someone asks what they should try next weekend I say “Get Out There!”



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