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7.经历了一次非常幸运没有人的前半段乐山大佛,再后来变成了people mountain and sea...尽管如此,我仍然觉得乐山市的大佛是个值得一游的地方。如果没有这么多人的时候,它将是我心目中必访中国十大旅游胜地之一。



10.starting from my own perspective, i find it puzzling as to why people knowingly choose to visit popular tourist destinations during peak holiday seasons, only to be swarmed by crowds.

11.after waiting in traffic for half a day, we finally reached the entrance of the scenic area but were turned away by the sea of people at the gate before even getting a glimpse of the beach.

12.as i gaze upon the crowded scenic spots, i am reminded once again of how successful our country's pandemic prevention measures have been; allowing us to freely roam about without restraint.

13.i longed for an escape through travel during national holidays, yet was deterred by the sheer number of tourists; torn between going or staying home.

14.as night begins to fall and colorful lights illuminate public squares, families venture out with joyous hearts filled with anticipation.

15.the bustling crowd at scenic areas is always driven by purpose while travel can often be aimless and spontaneous.

16.at last we boarded our return train after a chaotic holiday season where there were simply too many travelers; narrowly avoiding boarding a train bound for Lhasa instead.

17.street scenes are filled with throngs of people: elderly men engrossed in games under shaded trees; young adults strolling hand in hand laughing together while listening to music on earbuds; children playing carefree amidst it all - these are moments I cherish most.


19.in an instant, crowds descended upon our beloved scenic area like never before - vibrant and full of life.

20.my mother and I ventured into this bustling attraction where endless goods lay before us like treasures scattered across vast lands.

21.rueful regret fills me as I contemplate joining others in their struggle against hordes at such popular sites.

22.with so many visitors pouring into national parks during holidays such as ours (China's National Day), one cannot help but feel overwhelmed when waiting 90 minutes just to enter these attractions

23.reaching street corners still teeming with masses that seemed endless until they revealed themselves – performers entertaining audiences under marvellous banners performing acrobatic feats atop towering platforms!

24.squeezing through crowded sightseeing areas requires maintaining one's appearance!

25.the memories linger vividly within me – no more visiting overcrowded attractions during future vacations!

26.i will remember this painful experience forever – no more visits to overcrowded tourist hotspots come vacation time!

27.with small breaks behind us now comes renewed determination not merely attending those ever-populated places called 'sightseeing'

28.deciding that from now on we shall steer clear from these overpopulated tourist attractions which resemble nothing less than oceans swarming with humanity



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