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我们的队伍 consists of 5 people, including me and my best friends, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong. We were so excited to start our adventure that we couldn't sleep the night before.

The next morning, we set off early in the misty dawn, carrying backpacks full of snacks, water bottles and maps. Our destination was a mysterious ancient forest hidden deep in the mountains.

As we walked along the winding path, the air grew thicker with moisture and filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers. We heard birds chirping all around us and even spotted a few squirrels darting up trees.

After several hours of hiking through dense foliage, we finally arrived at an old temple nestled between towering trees. The entrance was guarded by two stone lions with fierce expressions on their faces.

Inside the temple grounds lay many historical relics such as pottery shards from ancient times to intricate carvings on pillars depicting various scenes from daily life back then – these were truly treasures for any history enthusiast!



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