首页 > 景点推荐 > 上海十大夜市小吃街探秘3蚊个城中村泥炉烧饼河南味儿让人回味无穷


上海十大夜市小吃街探秘:3蚊/个!这份隐藏在老城区的泥炉烧饼,真正的河南风味~ 「 河南传统烧饼 」 ... 夫妻店 |泥炉烤制|3元一个 PART 01 ° — 在上海的老城区,有这样一条街,那里汇聚了来自全国各地的小吃摊位。在这里,你可以品尝到各种各样的美食,其中就有一家名为徐家烧饼的小摊子,这家店以制作河南特色烧饼而闻名。

PART 02 ° — 只卖两种口味,且每个都是手工制作的 每个泥炉烤制出的烧饼售价仅需3元人民币,不同于其他地方更贵重心气的美食,它们只提供两种口味:甜和咸。这些没有馅料的手工制作出来,每一个都需要老板娘精心揉面团、围炉壁边慢慢烘焙,整个过程至少需要10分钟。

PART 03 ° — 老乡们聚集的地方 这里不仅是对外界的一次发现,更是一次对文化交流与地域饮食习惯了解的深入体验。在这里,你可以见证那些热情洋溢的声音,以及那份源自内心深处的情感与尊重。每一次点餐,都仿佛是在举行一次温暖的人际交往,而不是简单购买商品。

#河南徐家烧饼# 营业时间:10:30-21:30 地址:上海市静安区新闸路123号附近

Shanghai Night Market Delicacy Discovery: For Just ¥3! This Hidden Mud Oven Burnt Bread from Old Town, Authentic Henan Flavor~ "Traditional Henan Burnt Bread" ... Couple-Owned Shop | Mud Oven Baked | ¥3 Each PART 01 ° — In the old town of Shanghai, there's a street that gathers small food stalls from all over the country. Here, you can taste various delicacies, including a stall called Xu Family Burnt Bread, famous for its traditional Henan-style burnt bread.

PART 02 ° — Only Two Flavors Available and Each is Handmade Every burnt bread sold at this mud oven costs just ¥3 RMB. Unlike other expensive delicacies in town, they only offer two flavors: sweet and salty. These handmade burnt breads have no fillings; each one requires careful kneading by the shop owner lady and slow baking near the brick oven wall for at least ten minutes.

PART 03 ° — A Gathering Place for Fellow Villagers Here it's not just about discovering something new to outsiders but also an in-depth experience of cultural exchange and regional dietary habits. You can witness those enthusiastic voices filled with warmth as well as emotions rooted deep within their hearts. With every order placed here, it feels like engaging in warm interpersonal interactions rather than simply buying goods.

#Xu Family Burnt Bread # Business Hours: 10:30 AM - 9:00 PM Address: Nearby No.123 Xinzhao Road, Jing'an District



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