首页 > 旅游资讯 > 昆明瑞士签证中心国外旅游景点之窗地址与电话对照




地址: 昆明市盘龙区世博路12号低碳中心A座15楼1501D

电话: 021-61009741

邮箱: info.swisschina@vfshelpline.com

一. Swiss Visa Application Requirements for Tourism Purposes

Passport Details

a) The passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the return date.

b) It should have at least two blank pages, excluding endorsement pages.

c) If the passport has been replaced, provide the original old passport.

Photo Specifications

a) Two recent color photographs taken within six months.

b) Size: 35mm x 45mm.

c) White background with no accessories or glasses.

Personal Documents

a* Copy of ID card and household registration book on an A4 paper.

b* Copy of marriage certificate (if applicable).

c* Proof of personal assets such as bank statements or property deeds.

Employment Confirmation

a* Certificate from employer confirming employment status.

b* Business license copy with seal affixed to it.

c* For retirees, provide a copy of retirement certificate in place of above documents.

d* Students need to submit a school attendance confirmation document.

Travel Plans & Reservations

a* English travel itinerary plan;

b& c& d*: Flight booking + hotel reservation;

e*: International medical insurance policy with coverage amounting to €3,000 or more.

二. Additional Documentation Required for Family Visit Visa

Officially authenticated proof of kinship relationship between applicant and host in China;

2*. Original invitation letter from host in China specifying accommodation arrangements;

3*. Copies of host's passport front page, visa page or green card.

三.*Business Visa Requirements & Supporting Documents

1*. Original company invitation letter printed on company letterhead and signed/sealed by sender;



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